Things to be doing in May

"Follow the gonerment Guidelines and stay safe"


Apple Blossom means Springtime




May also means its time to plant out, or obtain plant plugs, of your chosen brassicas

 Romanesco has to be one of my favourite brassicas.

Cultivated by the Italians since the 16th Century, not only does it taste good it is a sculptural work of art. The little lime green, dome shaped florets being absolutely identical to each other in all but size, they are indeed mesmerising in their sheer perfection.

Sow in a fine tilth seed bed May-June 20 cm apart 7-10 days to germinate thin out as they establish in 5-6 weeks you can transplant them 60 cm apart keep them well watered and protect them from bird attack particularly pigeons and butterflies. If at all possible try to protect the head from discolouring in the later stages by securing the leaves over it as you would  a cauliflour.   

They should be ready to harvest from October onwards. Steam the head gently for around 15 minutes (undercook is better than overcook) and serve with a knob of butter. Sweeter ad nuttier than most brassicas and absolutely stuffed with goodness




A few suggested varieties you may like to try all have different flavours and growth habits.




Crispus    A Clubroot resistant variety

 I always like to grow at least one new variety each season to test results

Sprouts can be sown in pots from mid May onwards ready to be sown out in JUN/July for harvesting October to March                


Keep a very careful eye out for blackfly infestation on the Broad Beans



Outdoor exercise is highly recommended for all -just keep your distance-and keep the hand sanitiser handy





 Time to sow

Tomatoes- Cucumbers and Peppers


Assuming the seed has already been sown in the greenhouse or window cill.  These can be potted up from early May onwards Make sure you have adequate supports in place to support the future growth

Many  of us will have seeds planted up or prepping in the greenhouse

We've had or are having a much welcome spell of sunshine and showers

The consistent 14-16 degrees needed for healthy plant growth may continue hopefully “frost free”

If you haven’t already done so it’s time to clear out the greenhouse and disinfect it thoroughly to eradicate all those nasties lurking there over the winter months

Second early potatoes should be going in now- indeed many will be well on the way. Those of us who have got them in early,  Keep banking them up. Rain and wind will soon erode any previous earthing up . Once the potartoes are exposed to light they will go green and become unfit -even poisonous- for human consumption

Brassica seedlings could be started ready for planting out in a few months time, these may benefit from protection under a cloche or fleece.

Protect pea seedlings with pea sticks or similar to prevent the birds pecking them off

Carrots can be sown now as well in free draining (sandy) fertile soil. A suggestion I read the other you may want to try – in freshly dug soil insert a spade full depth into the soil wiggle it to create a deep wedge shape and repeat along the desired crop length- run some sand into the bottom 3 -4 inches then fine rake to fill up to just over half way and then  sow the seed into that shallow trench and cover lightly.


Start courgettes cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse  ready to plant out  in a few weeks


Any new Asparagus crop should be starting to appear about now . ANY Growth showing now should be ruthlessly cut back to ground level. This apparently drastic measure will consequently encourage the crowns to sprout new strong growth to see you through to June. these two months form the main growing season for Asparagus

Asparagus HATE any kind of competition so it is essential to keep any weeds off the Asparagus bed.

Avoid letting spears getting too long, this will impair future spears. Cut spears as long as possible (preferably with specifically designed asparagus knife which will allow a below ground cut)


If you have been raising brassicas in the greenhouse Now is the time to start to plant out

Keep a very careful eye out for blackfly infestation on the Broad Beans