Soft fruit

Soft fruits may better be more appropriately described as"berries"

November is an ideal time to take cutting from soft fruit bushes ie Blackcurrants and Gooseberries snd the lke.

This is a very simple process. Select a new growth about 15Cm-6 inch cut an angle to give more surface area.

prepare a 15Cm-6 Inch diameter pot with a mix of perlite and ptting compost in equal measure to enure good drainage. remove any leaes off the the lower pat of the cutting dip this in rooting powder hormone, USING A PENCIL  make hole in the compst and being careful not to dislodge the rooting hormone insert the cutting -cuttings around the edge of the pot , 5 or 6 to a pot, keep these MOIST  a sheltered spot preferably a greenhouse for a few months. when the roots begin to show below the pot then pot them on and in a few years you will have more frut bushes.


this section is a work in progress and may only be in place fully for next season (2021)


higihly recommended variety "Royal Sovereign " from DT Brown grower/nursery 

4 standard sized fruits provide 98% of the recommended daily adult intake and are way higher in Vitamin C than Oranges ?


Strawberry runners are a good way to get more of what you like for FREE

pot these little plantlets into separate pots DO NOT cut the umilical until the new plant is firmly established this may be a few months down the line, so dont take too many runners in a season otherwise you may end up with a tangled mess of umbilicals?



This section is under revision 


How to Tell a Floricane from a Primocane 

Determine the difference between "Primocane" and "Floricane"

The primary purpose of this knowledge will indicate a more productive way of pruning Raspberries and Blackberries 

 Distinguishing between primocanes and floricanes isn’t  always easy, as it very much depends on the variety and degree of growth

Primocanes are thicker, fleshy, and green, while the second-year growthFloricanes turn woody and brown before dying back. Other primocane and floricane differences include when fruit appear on them. Floricanes should have a lot of still-green berries in spring, while primocanes will have no fruit. The floricanes have shorter internodes, the spaces between leaves on the cane.



 Floricanes will have three leaflets per compound leaf, while the primocanes have five leaflets and longer internodes. Easily distinguishing between primocanes and floricanes takes a little practice, but once learned you will remember, this simple nugget of knowledge making you one of relatively few to recognise the differential between the two cultivars and it’s consequent relevance!








I have found this variety best when picked fresh on a nice warm summer days, topped and tailed and eaten straight after picking. 
They are infinitely BETTER uncooked without any Added sweeteners- counter intuitively . The addition of  these procedures ADD significantly to a sourness that make them quite unpalatable. 
These  also freeze  extremely well as a raw product  to eat from frozen or to create UNSWEETENED smoothies.

I also use a blender to create a smoothie mixture which I then pour into an ice tray and freeze. Add these to other fruit or cereal/porridge 




My highly recommended favourite has to be "OREGON" it is a large fruit of good flavour and prolific fruit 



A cross between blackberry and raspberry-Raspberry being the dominant gene BUT should only be harvested when a dark red almost blackberry colour. Fruits in June-July period 


Cross between Raspberry and Blackberry with Blackberry the dominant gene

BOTH Loganberry and Tayberry are more suitable for use in "Preserves" try one off the branch and you'll see why



HONEYBERRY AND OTHER NEW VARIETIES  again more suited to 'Preseves